Past Auctions - Peterson Land & Auction LLC

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Cabin Fever II Auction

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End Time
Items can be previewed at the Peterson Land & Auction office, 310 Sorensen Drive, Chamberlain, SD on January 17 & 20 from 10 am to 5pm each day.

2024 PLA Year-End Auction

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End Time
The location of each item will be listed in the description as well as the phone number for the owner. There will be several different owners with various locations.  If you wish to have an item started, please make an appointment.  

Cedardale Ranch Land Auction

Start Time
Property Directions:  From Pukwana: I-90 Exit 272; 10.5 miles south on SD Hwy 50, 2 miles west on 261st Street to Ola, 1 mile south on 349th Avenue, 3.25 miles west on 262nd Street. From Chamberlain, SD: I-90 Exit 265; 9.5 miles south on 344th Avenue, 3 miles east on 259th St, 3 miles south on 347th Avenue, 1.25 miles west on 262nd Street. Signs designate the property. Inspect from the road or contact our office for a private tour.  

Brule County, SD (Red Lake TWP) Land Auction

Start Time
Property Directions: Tract 1: Pukwana SD I-90 Exit 272, Four miles south on SD Highway 50, four miles west on 25th St, one-and-a-half mile south on 347th Ave to Tract 1 on west side of the road.   Tract 2: Pukwana SD I-90 Exit 272, Four miles south on SD Highway 50, four miles west on 254th St, one mile south on 347th Ave, one mile west on 255th Street, turn south onto 346th Ave (grass/dirt section line) for one-half mile to Tract 2 on east side of the section line. Signs designate the property.  Inspect the property on your own - from the roads.
Charles Mix County, SD (Platte TWP), Land Auction

Charles Mix County, SD (Platte TWP), Land Auction

Start Time
Property Directions: From Platte SD:  From the Main Street & SD Hwy 44 junction, go three miles south on 367th Ave, one-half mile west on 279th St. Property will be on the north side of the road. Signs will designate the property.  Inspect the property on your own - from the roads.  Be mindful of seasonal road conditions when inspecting.  

Handyman/Contractor Special! Online Real Estate Auction

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End Time
Property Location:  307 S Main, Chamberlain, SD.  Property shown by appointment only.   

Oacoma, SD Four Bedroom Home Online Auction

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End Time
Property Location:  305 W 2nd, Oacoma, SD  Property shown by appointment only.  Broker participation is offered.   
960 Acre Brule County, SD, Absolute Land Auction

960 Acre Brule County, SD, Absolute Land Auction

Start Time
Property Directions: Tracts 1-3, 5 & 6:  I-90 Exit 284 at Kimball, SD.  At the exit, turn south onto Main Street/252nd St for one-half mile.  Turn south onto 362nd Ave for one mile then turn west onto 253rd Street for one-half mile. Tract 4: I-90 Exit 284 at Kimball, SD.  At the exit, turn south onto Main Street/252nd St for one-half mile.  Turn south onto 362nd Ave for 2 miles then turn west onto 254th St for one-half mile.  Signs designate the property and approximate corners are marked with orange ribbon.

Volmer Ranch Retirement Farm Auction

Start Time
Contact Jim Volmer, 605-280-1259 to preview items prior to auction day!

"To Be Moved" Online House Auction

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End Time
The house is being sold to be MOVED from it's current location.  No real estate is included in the sale.  Property Location:  24342 SD Hwy 50, Chamberlain, SD.  (3 miles north of Chamberlain, SD on SD Highway 50, then 1/4 mile East on private road) Property shown by appointment only. Contact owner 605-680-1244 or Chisum Peterson 605-730-4214

2024 PLA Fall Auction

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End Time
Consignments are being accepted for our 2024 Pre-Harvest Online Equipment Auction!   Items accepted: Farm equipment, livestock equipment, trucks, trailers, vehicles, ATVs/UTVs, tools, shop equipment and more!  If you have items to sell, contact our office so we can help turn your assets into cash!  Items can be brought to our location or remain at yours!   Limited space available for tools & shop equipment - consign early!  Note: We are not accepting furniture or household items on this auction.  

Chamberlain, SD Ag & Development Land Auction

Start Time
Property Directions: Chamberlain SD I-90 Exit 265, one mile north on I-90 Business Loop (King Street), one-quarter mile east on 248th Street (gravel). Tract 1 will be on the south side of 248th St.  Pukwana, SD I-90 Exit 272, one mile north on 350th Ave.  At Pukwana, keep left-traveling west-onto 249th Street for 6.5 miles, turn north onto 345th Avenue (gravel) for one-half mile.  Tract 3 is on the west side of 345th Avenue. Signs will designate the property.  Inspect the property on your own - from the roads.
Store More Abandoned Storage Unit Auction

Store More Abandoned Storage Unit Auction

Start Time

River Street Residence Online Auction

Start Time
End Time
Property Location:  802 S River St, Chamberlain, SD.  Property shown by appointment only.  Broker participation is offered.   

Dream Acreage Online Auction

Start Time
End Time
Property Location:  24963 346th Ave, Chamberlain, SD.  Property shown by appointment only.  Broker participation is offered.   

2024 SD GF&P Antler Auction

Start Time
No Preview. Doors open at 8 am Auction Day!  

Riverside Retreat Online Auction

Start Time
End Time
Property Location:  204 S River, Chamberlain, SD.  Property shown by appointment only.  Broker participation is offered.   
2024 PLA Spring Auction

2024 PLA Spring Auction

Start Time
End Time
Items will be at various locations.  Items not located at the Peterson Land & Auction lot will have the address and contact phone number for the consignor.  Items with no specified location will be located at the Peterson Land & Auction lot at 310 Sorensen Dr, Chamberlain, SD.  If you have doubt as to where a particular item is located, please contact our office.  Thank you! The item list will change regularly as new items are consigned, cataloged and photographed!  Check back often!

Brule County (Ola TWP) Land Auction

Start Time
Property Directions: From Pukwana SD I-90 Exit 272, 10 miles south on SD Highway 50, two miles west on 261st St, at the Ola church and Ola Hall go one-eighth mile north on 349th Ave to Tract 2 on west side of the road.  Continue north on 349th Ave approx. one-quarter mile to Tract 2 on the east side of the road.  Signs designate the property.  Inspect the property on your own - from the roads.

Murphy Brule County Land Auction

Start Time
Property Directions: From Pukwana, SD: Six miles north on 350th Ave, two miles west on 243rd St, 1/2 mile north on 348th Ave. From Chamberlain, SD: One mile north on SD Hwy 50, three-and-a-half miles east on 245th St, one mile north on 348th Ave, one-half mile east on 244th St, one-and-a-half miles north on 348th Ave.  Note: The last one-quarter mile is a seasonal township road.  Inspect the property on your own but know it may require ATV/UTV or snowmobile due to the winter conditions of the access road.  Property is on the east side of 348th Ave.  Signs will be posted soon!